Other Clovers
Alsike Clover
Alsike clover is an intermediate clover that is often used for hay, pasture, and soil improvement. It is a preferred choice on wetter and more acidic soils.
Sweet clover has a determinate taproot, reaching depths of up to 1 foot, with the ability to affix over 100 lbs. of actual nitrogen. Sweet clover is the most drought tolerant of forage legumes. It is also quite winter hardy and can extract and then release phosphorus, potassium and other micronutrients that are otherwise unavailable to crops. Sweet clover loosens soil structure, creates organic matter, and produces better soil tilth.
Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover
Crimson Clover
With its rapid, robust growth, crimson provides early spring nitrogen for full-season crops. Good nitrogen fixation makes crimson an excellent break crop for continuous corn producers. Crimson clover adds to the soil organic N pool by scavenging mineralized N and by normal legume N fixation. Crimson Clover has a simple taproot making it easy to kill mechanically or with chemicals.
Berseem Clover is a fast-growing summer annual. Berseem provides a high-quality forage that doesn’t cause bloat and works well with alfalfa. It is a heavy N producer and is among the least winter tolerant of true annual clovers. It also has an active root system and abundant biomass, making it an ideal winterkilled cover crop before corn or other high nitrogen demanding crops.
Berseem Clover
Balansa clover is an annual clover that will work across a wide range of solid types and conditions. Used primarily as a cover crop, balansa clove will develop a deep tap root in the fall and grows rapidly in the spring to provide good weed suppression and is also good source of nitrogen. It will also work well for forage applications and as a food plot for deer.